Welcome to
Left On The Shelf
Specialist second hand bookseller of material on all topics
to do with Socialism. From here you can access one of the
world's best on-line collections of books, pamphlets, journals
and ephemera on this subject.
A Bit About
Left On The Shelf
Specialist Second Hand Bookseller
Left on the Shelf is run by myself, Dave Cope, and was set up in 1992 when I bought the second hand stock from Central Books, at the time when the shop in Grays Inn Road was closed. I have spent practically all my working life in the radical book trade - from 1975 I managed Progressive Books in Liverpool, before moving to Central Books in London in 1987. Left on the Shelf was a part-time business till I moved to Kendal in Cumbria in 2004.

Research Content
This website also includes some of my research into the history of Radical Bookselling and also the Paris Commune of 1871.
Website Updates
My web-site will be up-dated every two months. Please keep checking for updates and new items for sale.
Second Hand Catalogues
I produce catalogues approximately every three months. Given the high cost of printing and postage I prefer to send a pdf version. If you would like to receive the pdf copy please let me know. I will still produce printed copies for those who don't have access to the net and by special request from those who do, but still prefer a hard copy. Please click here to leave your details.
View the current catalogue here.
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Contact Me
Left On The Shelf
Yard 91, 87 Highgate
You can get in touch by calling 01539 729599 or drop us an email.
Send Us An Email